Ticker aagtx

I have a question I’m hoping someone could answer I have a IRA set up through my job as the employer matches up to 4% stock prices. The Yahoo never match the price the day of American fund transactions receipt I pay per stock for instance I look up ticker aagtx on 12/17/18 I got 3.11 stocks at 14.76 each and company match 3.11 stock at 14.76 each if you look up stock price on 12/17/2018 it is 14.39 but I’m paying 14.76ea. Why dose this not match that’s 1 week deposit I’ve look through out entire year I always pay more than its worth the date of purchase on there recipe?

Only a guess, but aagtx is a Class A fund with a 5.75 front end load. This could be showing up in the form of an increased NAV figure rather than a load. While 14.76 is 2.6% more than 14.39 rather than 5.75% more, this could be a negotiated load between the American funds and your employer. But to know for sure, you will have to ask your employer to explain the difference in NAV.

  • Alan, I think that’s a good guess.  The presumed load actually works out to:  1 – ($14.39 / $14.76) = 2.5%
  • 3.11 * 14.76 means that the elective deferral was $45.90.  2.5% of that presumably goes to the load and the remaining $44.75 buys $44.75 / $14.39 = 3.11 shares of AAGTX.
  • It is extremely unlikely that this is an IRA. Any 4% match to a payroll deduction IRA would be taxable compensation.
  • This is almost certainly a SIMPLE IRA, especially with the use of American Funds.
  • If it is a SIMPLE IRA, the maximum employer match is 3%.

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