Inherited IRA
I have read the IRS guidance, as well as relevant topics on this forum, and am still somewhat confused. Situation is as follows: Surviving spouse is sole and 100% beneficiary of his deceased wife’s traditional IRA. Surviving spouse is age 92 (6 years older than deceased wife).
1) If surviving spouse assumes ownership, must he use his own age (in the year after the year of death) using Table 3 to begin calculating the RMD (or is he allowed to calculate the new RMD going forward using his wife’s RMD calculation each year as if she were still alive?).
2) If surviving spouse elects to take an inherited IRA, my understanding is that the RMD can be calculated using Table 1, based on the deceased spouse’s age in the year following the year of death and then reducing the divisor by “1” each subsequent year? Is this correct?
3) The surviving spouse’s daughter will be primary beneficiary. My understanding is that when she inherits the IRA she will need to continue taking RMD’s based on the same RMD calculation methodology in place when her father passes. Is this correct?
Thanks so much.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2019-03-13 22:27
Permalink Submitted by Thomas Ausfahl on Thu, 2019-03-14 12:20
Thank you so much. You have been incredibly helpful. Tom