Please help me with my TSP Beneficiary Distribution
I am the executor for my sister’s estate. She left her TSP to my three children in Trust until they are 35. My eldest turned 35 in Feb 2018. TSP claims that since my daughter is already 35 she is no longer eligible for a distribution because at 35 the trust no longer exists. The trust only exists until the beneficiary is 35
To me this logic means when my sons turn 35 their trusts end and they will not receive their benefit? Another option is for the other two beneficiaries to disclaim their trust and TSP can distribute the funds directly to the estate. But is that a wise decision for them tax wise?
I don’t know where to go from here. I asked for a copy of the beneficiary form she signed. There is a paragraph that looks to be copied directly from her will that says the funds are to be divided equally between the three, in a staged distribution, starting at 26, then 30 and the remainder at 35. The first son will be 35 in October. Does that mean then all the funds go to the last beneficiary?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2019-04-24 00:17
Permalink Submitted by Laura Clark on Wed, 2019-04-24 14:00
Thank you so much for your response, I am very grateful.My sister was just 70, + 3 months. The DOD was11/10/2018. As you can tell I am way out of my depth here. I will do some research to find out if it was qualified trust. The irony, which isn’t relevant, is that my brother was an estate planning expert recognized in his field but he also died 4 months earlier, he was the trustee and first executor, so he could have “fixed” this for me/us. (Shameless plug: Sega, 2016 NLJ Trailblazer, Veneble LLP, Adjunct Law Prof, GU, many other qualifications).
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2019-04-24 18:17