Ed Slott article 5 things clients learned about roth conversions this tax season
the article said, “5. Back-door Roth conversions. More clients whose income was too high to qualify for a Roth IRA contribution used the so-called “back-door Roth conversion” process in which they contributed to a nondeductible traditional IRA and then converted those funds to a Roth IRA. With the TCJA, both Congress and IRS have confirmed that this is an allowable strategy, which makes advisers more comfortable recommending it.”
Where did the IRS say this is an allowable strategy? I thought if you showed repeated steps of, contributing to IRA, converting to Roth, year after year, that they said that was just like contributing to the roth?
Do you have any good info about what is and isn’t allowed for the mega-back door roth conversion?
Permalink Submitted by William Tuttle on Wed, 2019-05-01 16:53