401(k) Rollover to IRA
Hello, if you were still working and able to defer your RMD’s past 70 1/2 but in the middle of the current year you rollover your 401(k) to an IRA. Do you still have to pay RMD’s for the year you rolled it over even if you still work?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2019-08-07 18:41
No, the IRA RMDs on this balance will start in the following year. There is no 401k RMD unless you retire before the end of the year. Retirement in the same year as an earlier rollover that year will result in that year becoming an RMD Distribution year for the 401k and to the extent of that RMD, an excess IRA contribution will have been created due to rollover of RMD funds. In other words, you may want to be sure you are not retiring before the end of the year in which you do these in service rollovers.