Using Roth IRA for Child’s College Education

Hello. Have a client who has real estate rental property. They want to start paying their kids, and have them contribute to a Roth IRA, and use the Roth IRA $ for College Expenses. What’s the rule on Roth IRA earnings for kids college? Thanks.

The parents must be sure that the wages paid are reasonable for the work performed. A W-2 should be issued once annual wages exceed $600.  Once the education distributions begin, the usual Roth IRA ordering rules apply with earnings coming out last. The earnings will be subject to tax, but not penalty. Details regarding how qualified higher education expenses are determined, how scholarships and grants are treated, and timing requirements for the actual distribution should be carefully studied when the time comes.

Because distributions from a Roth IRA are unearned income, distributions of earnings, which are taxable income on the child’s tax return, would probably subject to kiddie-tax rates if the amount of earnings distributed is large enough, but would not be subject to early-distribution penalty by application of the higher-education penalty exception.  Amounts attributable to regular contributions and Roth conversions come out first, earnings come out last.

  • A student’s Roth IRA distributions would be considered untaxed income under FAFSA. The combined amount of taxable income and untaxed income > their standard or itemized deduction is assessed at FAFSA’s hightest rate of 50% for the expected family contribution (EFC).
  • Most advocates of this method of college savings fail to understand or neglect to mention this potential signicant impact on financial aid.
  • If the children currently have legitimate rental necessary work tasks. Then by all means pay them a fair market value (FMV) and if the client wants make Roth IRA contributions, fine. If not it borders on tax fraud to make up stuff for them to do.
  • Use the right tool for the right job. A 529 for college.

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