Fixing (Unwinding) 2023 IRA Contributions

Client had both a Rollover (Trad) and ROTH IRA prior to 2023; she made periodic contributions to each in/for 2023 and 2024 that she regrets, and would like to withdraw the contributions along with the associated earnings. (Total was less than $6,500, but she’s ineligible for ROTH, cannot deduct contributions and doesn’t want after tax $ in her traditional IRA, etc.)  Can she definitely do that (and not have the traditional contributions be subject to proration with pre tax $) and does she have until October (for the 2023 part) to figure it all out if we file an extension? If so, what should we expect from the custodian in terms of calculating the “associated earnings”, etc…. It’s one of the fairly large mutual fund companies; do they typically make the calculations or will we have to?  If we have to, how do you sequence the math when you have multiple periodic contributions? (Would I start with the earliest contribution, calculate the earnings up to the date of the next one, add that one in and go forward in that fashion?) TIA

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