Have a client who is a beneficiary on his sister’s NYC-Teachers Retirement System account.   His sister listed him and their mother as beneficiaries at 50% each.  His mother passed away before his sister and his sister did not update the beneficiary form. They are both listed as primary beneficiaries.  The brother received his portion of 50% but the NYC-TRS is making the mother’s 50% payable to an estate for the sister.  My question; is anyone familiar with NYC-TRS beneficiary language that the mothers portion would be payable to the other primary beneficiary or know of a IRS PLR that might allow the funds to go to the brother?

It is highly unlikely that the plan would mishandle their beneficiary rules due to the massive liability implications for such an error. Hopefully, the sister left a will indicating her desired beneficiaries. That said, whatever amount such a beneficiary receives from the TRS will likely be in a lump sum.

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