Backdoor Roth 5 year rules

If you do a backdoor Roth into a Roth IRA that has been open for more than 5 years do you need to wait 5 years to take out the Rollover Contributions or can they be taken out immediately?

401k Roth to Roth IRA  – if you are under age 59 1/2 can you still take out the contributions without a penalty?

Q 1 – a back door Roth is a conversion, usually a mostly non taxable conversion. If the converted amount is withdrawn within the first 5 years, a 10% recapture tax will be owed on the taxable portion of any such conversions. So if the taxable portion was only $10, the penalty is only $1. For any partial withdrawal of a certain conversion (older conversions come out first), the taxable portion is treated as the first dollars out.

Q2 – Yes, the amount contributed to the Roth 401k (Box 5 on the 1099R) is treated as a regular Roth IRA contribution and these amounts can be withdrawn anytime without tax or penalty.

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