SEP Plan for S Corp & Sch C

Husband/wife own S Corp 50/50 (no other employees) which has a SEP Plan.  Subsequently, husband starts Sch C business (no employees).  Are the S Corp and Sch C a controlled group resulting in both being covered by the S Corp’s SEP Plan?  And, if that is the case, for the SEP contribution based on husbands Sch C earnings, which entity makes/funds the payment, the S Corp or the Sch C business?

Yes, this is a controlled group treated as a single employer for SEP IRA purposes, and that is going to add complexity in determining the correct contributions from each entity including the potential for the sole prop to generate a loss.

Thanks for such a timely response!

I’m still not clear on which entity pays/funds the contributions into the employees’ SEP IRA accounts.  Does the S Corp (plan sponsor) pay/fund only the amount due on the wages OR does it pay/fund both that amount and the amount due on the Sch C earnings (calc as per the worksheets).

Also, you raised the point re a potential sole prop loss.  Does that sole prop loss get netted against the S Corp wages somehow when determining how much to contribute for that year?  Or for the S Corp do you calculate the contribution based on wages and for sole prop there would be no contribution made for that loss year?



Not totally sure, but my guess is that each entity funds its own contribution if the sole prop generates any net earnings. But if it generates a loss, it should not affect the contributions for the S Corp based on W-2 income. This is similar to a traditional IRA for a person with wage income and a side business that generates a loss, where Pub 590 A is clear that the loss does not reduce the wage income to which TIRA contributions can be applied.

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