Correct RMD choice for sucessor beneficiary

The more I read the more confused I am so glad I found this website! Original beneficiary with traditional IRA died in 2013 age of  89 and had been taking annual RMDs based on life expectancy. Her designated beneficiary (her daughter) was taking RMDs beginning 2014  based on her own life expectancy. Designated beneficiary died 8/06/21 aged 69 and her sister (my wife) is her successor  beneficiary. My wife has been taking RMDs since 2022 with the plan to empty out the IRA over 10 years per the 10 year rule. I was recently told my wife could do her RMD over the life expectancy method, which she would prefer. My wife is  1 and 1/2 years younger than her sister was so does this make her an EDB? I read in your “So many IRA Variables” topic that the first question is when did the original owner die and if before 2019, which is true in this case, then the “old rules” apply. Does this mean she has 1o years to empty IRA or can she use the life expectancy method? Thank you, Mike

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