Roth Conversion from INH Spousal IRA
Is it possible for a surviving spouse to execute Roth conversions from a spousal inherited IRA?
The deceased spouse was 5 years younger than the surviving spouse inheriting the accounts, so electing to take accounts as inherited is attractive to delay RMDs, but ultimate goal is to convert money too in advance of RMDs…
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Wed, 2024-12-18 18:42
Yes, conversion can be done by a direct transfer into an owned Roth IRA or distribution and 60 day rollover could be done. It’s a conversion so the one rollover limit for 12 months does not apply.
The SS needs to be aware of the year in which decedent spouse would have reached RMD age based on their DOB and should probably complete the conversions in the year prior to that year.