Amended return and SEP contribution
A client contributed the maximum amount he could to a SEP in 2018 based upon his Schedule C self-employment earnings. We now need to amend his Schedule C and reduce his income. The reduction creates and excess SEP contribution for 2018. The SEP contribution was made in 2019 and the client did not have any self-employment income in 2019. How do we correct the SEP over funding? Is he liable for a penalty?
Permalink Submitted by William Tuttle on Mon, 2020-06-08 17:35
SEP IRA excess contributions are a bit messy to clean up if not returned along with earnings or those made following the tax year are reallocated to that tax year by the tax filing deadline including extensions. Keep in mind a self-employed individual is both employer and employee.
Permalink Submitted by Jessica DeBold on Tue, 2024-02-13 23:46
Hello! I am doing some research for a similar situation. Mine involves a self-employed person and the Schedule C for multiple years are being amended and the SEP contributions will be considered excess. Do I understand your instructions above that he will have to file the 5330 for each year as the employer, subject to the 10% excise tax and the 5329 for each year as the employee subject to the 6% excise tax? Any sources that you can point me to explaining this for a self employed individual? Thanks!