Forms, forms and more forms
Hello Alan,
I’m sure you’ve covered these topics in previous posts but I’m hoping you won’t mind addressing my particular situation.
I took two RMDs earlier in the year, $4275 (with $525 tax withheld) from a TIRA and $3000 from an annuity IRA (no tax withheld). I rolled back the entire $4275 to the TIRA but elected to keep the $3000 annuity IRA distribution.
As fate would have it I found it necessary to withdraw a $46000 (no tax withheld) CRD from the TIRA. Baring no unforeseen circumstances I intend to take my 2021 RMD ($12000-$1800 tax=$10200) prior to filing my 2020 taxes and apply that amount toward repaying the CRD.
My question is what forms with what amounts can I expect to receive from the respective financial institutions? And what forms with the required amounts on which lines (including the 1040SR) do I complete to report this to the IRS?
Thank you for your assistance.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Mon, 2020-08-10 02:16
Permalink Submitted by John Mlinar on Mon, 2020-08-10 21:11
Alan, thanks for your sage advice. If form 8915E is as confusing as the C and D versions I probably will have to hire someone.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Mon, 2020-08-10 23:49
It will probably be about the same. Have you filed an 8915 before as a disaster distribution? If so, how did it go?
Permalink Submitted by John Mlinar on Wed, 2020-08-12 00:04
No, thank goodness I’ve never been affected by any disaster until now. I checked out 8915 versions on the IRS web site. I like to be prepared.