SIMPLE IRA – Can the employer have two active plans for one company?
I have a client who opened up SIMPLE IRA plans with me in September. Their existing SIMPLE custodian is expensive and has bad options, but is plugged into their current payroll system, which they do not want to change.
Can the employers / employees continue to deposit funds into their current SIMPLE accounts and then transfer their contributions regularly to their new SIMPLE accounts (with a better custodian) without running into problems? In other words, can the employer sponsor two SIMPLE IRA plans at the same time as long as they follow the contribution rules for just one SIMPLE plan?
Thank you.
Permalink Submitted by William Tuttle on Fri, 2020-10-16 22:56
Permalink Submitted by Susan Marki on Mon, 2020-10-19 17:04
Thank you!! Because of your response I was able to understand the IRS publications that I couldn’t beforehand. My clients are clear on the 2-year rule, so I can get them what they want, but just a different way. They can continue on with their current SIMPLE accounts. I can then make regular custodian-to-custodian transfers from their current SIMPLE to their own individual IRAs (and not to another SIMPLE).