Ed Slott’s “The New Retirement Savings Time Bomb” Available For Preorder

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Company Announcements

America’s IRA Expert Updates Best-Selling Book, Offers Special Year-End Planning Guide 

December 16, 2020 – New York – Ed Slott, CPA, the nationally recognized IRA Expert, founder of Ed Slott and Company, LLC and creator of irahelp.com, announces his book “The New Retirement Savings Time Bomb” is now available for preorder. Just in time for end-of-year financial planning, Slott is offering those who preorder the book before December 31 his “7 Best Strategies: Year-End Retirement and Tax Planning 2020” guide. Readers are encouraged to visit irahelp.com/timebomb to preorder their book and gain access to the valuable year-end guide.

“2020 has been an unprecedented year, and with the significant policy changes we have seen under the SECURE and CARES Acts, there are many retirement and tax planning moves Americans should be considering—including some that will be gone after December 31,” said Slott. “Since my new book, which also covers the latest planning strategies under these law changes, isn’t due out until March 2021, I am happy to offer this timely guide to help Americans navigate these tax-smart money moves by the end of the year.”

With Americans having more than $32 trillion in retirement accounts yet to be taxed at future unknown rates, there is a huge unpaid debt looming over their income right when they need it most—in retirement. In “The New Retirement Savings Time Bomb,” Slott provides five easy steps that can be taken to disarm the retirement savings time bomb along with helpful resources to understand often-confusing tax terms. The best-selling first edition of this book was released in 2003, but a lot has changed since then. The latest edition covers all of the new retirement, income tax, and estate law changes and provisions, including the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, SECURE Act and CARES Act. Each of these monumental pieces of legislation created a major overhaul of the tax system, affecting virtually everyone in some way with countless implications.

“While it is important for consumers to be savvy about the latest retirement and tax planning laws and strategies, it can still be difficult to understand how to properly update your financial plan on your own,” said Slott. “I have dedicated my career to providing financial professionals across the country in-depth technical training on advanced retirement account planning strategies and have built a network of advisors nationwide who are committed to ongoing advanced training in this area.”

Ed Slott’s Elite IRA Advisor Group is comprised of more than 450 of the nation’s top financial professionals who are dedicated to the mastery of advanced retirement account and tax planning laws and strategies. To find a member in your area, visit irahelp.com/find-an-advisor.

As a professional speaker, best-selling author and television personality, Slott is known for his unparalleled ability to turn advanced tax strategies into understandable, actionable and entertaining advice. He regularly presents on IRA and estate planning tax strategies at both consumer events and conferences for financial advisors, insurance professionals, accountants and attorneys. His firm, Ed Slott and Company, LLC, is the nation’s leading provider of accurate, timely IRA expertise and analysis, helping navigate through the distribution phase of retirement.

To preorder the book and gain access to the year-end guide, visit irahelp.com/timebomb.


“The New Retirement Savings Time Bomb” is a complete action plan to help Americans make sure their 401(k)s, IRAs, and retirement savings aren’t depleted by taxes by the time they need to use them. Written by America’s IRA Expert, Ed Slott, CPA, the book shows readers in clear-cut layman’s terms how to take back control over their retirement savings and financial future. The best-selling first edition of the book was released in 2003 but a lot has changed since then. From the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the SECURE Act, and the CARES Act, the latest edition covers all of the new retirement, income tax, and estate law changes and provisions enacted. The inevitable ticking tax bomb is coming, but this easy-to-follow guide helps readers avoid the latest traps set out by Congress and shows how to structure their retirement savings so they can have more, keep more and make it last. “The New Retirement Savings Time Bomb” is scheduled for release on March 02, 2021. To preorder, visit irahelp.com/timebomb.

