Backdoor Roth 5 year rule
A backdoor Roth uses a traditional IRA with after tax contributions. I have read on several reputable web sites the backdoor Roth would be subject to the conversion five year penalty rule. I received a Slott report today that describes a Roth conversion of Traditional IRA that contains only after tax dollars. The owner who is under 59 ½ withdraws the entire amount after three years. There are no earnings. The Slott report says there will be no penalty on the withdrawal: “there is never a penalty on converted after-tax dollars if withdrawn early”. I’m confused. Would you please explain this? Thanks.
Permalink Submitted by David Mertz on Thu, 2020-12-17 16:36
Permalink Submitted by Peter Karakondis on Mon, 2020-12-21 17:47
posted in error under wrong topic