Spousal IRA/Roth IRA contributions
I have a married couple. W works and earns 50k annual and is covered by a plan at work. H is retired and not sure of AGI yet but will be pushing 200k.
Regarding spousal IRA contribution, I’m a little confused as to phaseout numbers for TIRA. For 2022, if one spouse is covered by a plan my understanding is phaseout for a deductible TIRA is between 204k-214k joint. Does that only apply to H or is limit also same for W? Assuming income is below 204k can they both make a fully deductible TIRA contribution of 7k each for 2022? Wasn’t sure if wife could since a plan participant and would be restricted to 109k for full deduction. Thx.
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Thu, 2022-02-10 00:25
W cannot deduct because her phaseout range is 109k-129k as an active participant, but H can if their MAGI is under 204k.
Permalink Submitted by Robert Ervolina on Thu, 2022-02-10 17:51
thank you