RMD for Year of Death

Mother died Feb 2022 leaving 3 IRAs to 3 Beneficiaries ( her Children). She did not take any of her 2022 RMDs before she died. I know that the beneficiaries need to take her 2022 RMDs by year end. The mother’s IRA custodians are giving the beneficiaries each the option of either taking their portion as a lump sum distribution or move the money onto inherited IRAs. One beneficiary is considering taking a lump sum distribution from one of her mother’s IRA and this lump sum will be an amount greater than the total RMD requirement for all 3 IRAs. With this scenario, will this one beneficiary satisfy the total Year of death RMD requirements or do all the beneficiaries still need to take their own percentage of mothers RMDs?

If all of the IRAs have the same beneficiaries, the one beneficiary’s lump sum distribution will complete the year of death RMD. If the beneficiaries differ, probably not.

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