RMD Question

I have a client who has a RMD that has been calculated by the custodian. The issue is that it is his first RMD (9/12/50 is his birthdate), and when I look at the amount that the custodian has calculated, it is based on the year end value divided by the age 70 RMD (27.4) vs an age 72 (25.6). Are the tables not updated with the age 72 withdrawal amount or did my custodian calculate wrong, so I need to check anyone who has an RMD coming out?? In other words, did the 27.4 distribution from Table III change to age 72 or is it the 25.6 number? I can’t seem to find an answer. Thank you!

New RMD tables are in effect for 2022 RMDs. It so happens that the new table divisor for age 72 is 27.4, which is the same divisor that the former tables contained for age 70, so the custodian is correct. Therefore, the correct divisor for client’s 2022 RMD, whether distributed this year or until 4/1/2023 (the RBD) is 27.4 and is applied to the 12/31/2021 IRA balance.

Thank you!!  That client is arguing with me because the IRS hasn’t posted the new tables online. I thought that might be the case.  

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