RMD in year of spousal assumption

IRA owner in RBD status dies in March before having taken his RMD for the year.

Surviving Spouse assumes ownership. She is a different age, but also in RBD status.

If a spousal assumption results in the IRA being treated as it had always belonged to the surviving spouse, does the original 2022 RMD amount (based on original/deceased owner with different LE) stick?

Or is the 2022 RMD recalced using the LE of the surviving spouse/new owner?

The 2022 RMD will always be that of the decedent. IRS Regs indicate that the surviving spouse is only treated as owning the IRA all year for assumptions that occur in a year after the year of death. So the RMD will not drop until 2023, and only if the surviving spouse is younger and assumes ownership anytime during 2023. Of course, the surviving spouse can still assume ownership this year, but will have to take the decedent’s RMD before year end.

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