Lump Sum Distribution

Does the definition of a Lump Sum Distribution – A lump-sum distribution is the distribution or payment within a single tax year of a plan participant’s entire balance from all of the employer’s qualified plans of one kind (for example, pension, profit-sharing, or stock bonus plans). – mean that if the participant has a 401k plan and a Profit Sharing plan that the LSD definition applies to each of those separately or are they combined under the definition. Normally, I would expect Profit Sharing to be part of 401k, but if they are separate plan types that would be good for NUA strategies that require LSD. – m

  • 401k, ESOP, PS plans are treated as “like kind” plans, meaning that a qualified LSD for NUA purposes would require a total distribution of all those plans of the same employer. A DB plan is separate.
  • Technically, the 1099R Inst do not differentiate on Box 2b (Total Dist), as the instructions refer to the “account”. However, for NUA purposes perhaps the box should not be checked if a like kind account is left in place. Not sure how often this happens and NUA is still reported on the 1099R.

thank you. -m

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