Estate as Beneficiary
Good Afternoon. I have a client that purchased an IRA annuity through his previous advisor. The beneficiary of the IRA annuity is the deceased clients estate. Is it possible to have the IRA assets retitled into an inherited IRA for the beneficiaries of the estate? My concern is the estate will likely have to remain open, distribution options are less favorable and estate tax rates are less favorable. Thanks in advance for your reply. -Ralph
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Tue, 2022-08-23 17:39
Permalink Submitted by Justin Watling on Mon, 2023-02-13 16:09
Once the account is assigned to a beneficiary (say, the brother odf the deceased accoiunt owner), what are the beneficiary’s options going foraward? DOes it mtter if the beneficiary is 70 and only two years older that the original owner?
Permalink Submitted by Alan - IRA critic on Mon, 2023-02-13 16:24
No. If the estate inherited the IRA assignment out of the estate will not change the RMD for the estate beneficiary, it will only give the beneficiary direct control of the account and it’s investments and allow the beneficiary to name their own beneficiary. See the first bullet point above. The age or relationship of the estate beneficiary does not matter.