HSA – After tax

A prospect who is the head of HR stated that the HSA contributions that are being made are being made with after tax dollars. I have never heard of this option. Aside from why you would not want to do this, pre tax makes much more sense… is it even possible?

  • HSA contributions can simply be made the same as any other after-tax direct deposit and deducted on the tax return.
  • Pre-tax contributions must be done thru Section 125 Cafeteria Plan salary reductions. This reduces  Form W-2 Box 1 wages.
  • The two have the same effect for income tax purposes.
  • The difference is that pre-tax salary reductions are FICA tax exempt.
  • This means that Social Security and Medicare taxes are not paid on the HSA contributions.
  • This is a double-edged sword. While there are less taxes, there are less SS earnings credits for individuals < the SS MTE.
  • If an individual will be < the SS 2nd bend point when collecting SS benefits. It will probably be better to make after-tax HSA contributions. Otherwise, pre-tax HSA contributions are likely better.

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