Annuity payout amount vs Accumulation Value and Fair Market Value

I received my payment calculation for the option “Installments for a Guaranteed Period of 10 years. I have choice of Monthy, Quarterly, Semiannual, annual. Now when I multiply the monthly amount x 12, it is much less than if I just choose the Annual amount. Can you tell me why? Is it because they charge to take care of the account on a monthly basis vs annual?

Now, when I multiply the annual amount x times 10 years; it does not equal the accumulation value or the fair market values shown on my account? The annual monies they will give me in 10 years is 3,000 less than the accumulation value. And the annual monies they will give me in 10 years is less than the fair market value.

So really, at 2% interest on this Masterdex 10 annuity, is costing me 3 years of interest to annuitize.

So is it better to take less money as noted and do the 15 year so I get more money back?

example….monthly 10 year 100.00 x 12(months in year) = 1200 1200 x 10 years = 12,000
monthly 15 year 178.00 x 12 (months) 2136. 2136 x 15 years= 32,040

There could be a number of reasons why you are seeing different income figures for monthly versus annually. This question is really best suited for Allianz since fees and transaction costs are very specific to the annuity company. As far as your concerns about annuitization, this is a significant decision that should incorporate other relevant factors. Consulting a competent financial planner could be valuable in your case to select the best option or alternatives.

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