Trust As Beneficiary for an IRA

My client(husband) diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and 4 to 6 months to live. Wife has been in and out of Mental institutions for last several years. Now very medicated and cannot take care of herself. Twin boys sophomores in college so away most of the year. Has about 1mm in his 401k, 1.2mm in DST’s and 500k in life insurance. 529 plans enough to cover the next semester. Looking for advice on how to best pass on his 401k so that the wife can’t squander it or have everything go to medical care. Would it be appropriate to change the beneficiary to a trust on the 401k?

Yes, but this situation is complex and the correct type of trust and trustee will be needed and client will have to determine how the children’s financial needs will be addressed. Client should consult with an estate attorney.

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