

Husband and wife made monthly $500 contributions to their Roth IRA. Wife also had a small Traditional IRA (about $3,500) that was converted to a Roth in 2022. There was no basis.

Husband and wife recharacterized their monthly contributions to a Traditional IRA (about $5,300 for each moved to Traditional IRA) and are taking the deduction ($6,000 each) for the contribution (AGI is about $80K and both were covered by a retirement plan).

1. In the explanation for the recharacterization, should they list out each date the monthly contribution is made or simply monthly contributions of $500 and the date of the recharacterization will suffice?

2. The system they are using to prepare their return is saying there is basis as a part of their Traditional IRA conversion. She made no non-deduction contributions and rolled over no non-deduction contribution to the IRA. The recharacterization wouldn’t create basis correct? We went over the IRA entries with a fine tooth comb but can’t determine what is causing the basis. Am I missing something?

Thank you!

  1. They only need to state the total amount recharacterized and the year of the contributions, and the date of recharacterization and amount actually transferred to the TIRA.
  2. Their contributions should be fully deductible, so it’s not clear where the basis is coming from. Evidently, something was mis entered into the tax program if there was no IRA basis from a prior year.

They are filing married filing jointly. Their combined MAGI is only about $80K so they should both be able to take the full IRA deduction correct? And therefore no basis would be generated? 

They are filing married filing jointly. Their combined MAGI is only about $80K so they should both be able to take the full IRA deduction correct? And therefore no basis would be generated? 

Yes, I edited my prior post. See the edited post.

Okay, thank you! Love this discussion forum. I appreciate the help.

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