Roth IRA contribution spousal

Quick question: If i as the husband have income of $100k – i can make a $6k Roth ira contribution as i understand it. The question is – if my wife has no earned income – can i make a $6k ROth ira contribution (2022) for her? i read somewhere about a Kay Bailey Hutchison Spousal IRA limit. Does this apply here? Thanks so much.

Yes, your wife (or you on your wife’s behalf) can make a spousal contribution to your wife’s Roth IRA based on your own compensation, provided that her compensation is less than yours and you file a joint tax return (subject to the same MAGI limitation for Roth IRA contributions that applies to you).

I understand what you are saying but she has zero earned income so i just wasnt sure if i could contribute for her. She does have investment income but not earned income. 

Her spousal contribution is based on your earned income. Since you are making a 2022 Roth contribution of 6k for yourself, your earned income only needs to be 12k to make a 6k spousal contribution for your wife. However, your joint return Modified AGI (which includes investment income) cannot exceed 204k or both of your Roth contributions will begin to be phased out. 

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