2 questions about Roth IRAs

1) Couple MFJ has an AGI of 230,000. They both increase their 401k contributions to decrease their AGI to $ 215,000. Now they are below the Roth IRA contributions. Is this allowed?
2) Couple MFJ with one spouse fully retired and the other with $ 25,000. They qualify to do $ 15,000 in deductible IRAs. Are they allowed to do a Roth conversion in the same year as they made deductible TIRA contributions?

  1. Yes, this is allowed. The Roth phaseout range of MAGI for 2023 is 218k-228k.
  2. Yes. However, it would be preferable to make the contributions as regular Roth contributions and then convert 15,000 less, particularly if either spouse is under 59.5 or over 70.5.

Regarding #2, keep in mind that the taxable amount of any Roth conversions will increase the couple’s MAGI for the purpose of determining deductibility of a traditional IRA contribution if the working spouse is an active participant in a workplace retirement plan.  However, Roth conversions do not raise the MAGI for the purpose of determining eligibility to make a Roth IRA contribution.

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