401k to IRA Direct Transfers

1) Is there an annual limit on the number of 401k to IRA Direct Transfers when the rollover check from a 401k administrator is made payable to the new custodian and received by the individual? For instance wanting to consolidate multiple 401ks into one IRA; and
2) If a check is from a 401k administrator and made payable to the new custodian but received by the individual, is there a time limit on depositing the check into the new IRA?

  1. There is no limit regardless of whether you use the preferred direct rollover method or a 60 day rollover. The one 60 day rollover limit only applies to IRA to like kind IRA rollovers. Therefore, you can do multiple direct rollovers, one for each 401k plan.
  2. For this direct rollover there is no IRS time limit for deposit to the IRA, but if you wait too long the funds will not be invested and the check might go stale, or you could even lose it. It’s best to send the check to the IRA custodian ASAP.

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