Will a traditional IRA lower your AGI so that you can qualify for it?

I want to be able to contribute to a traditional IRA this year but I am afraid my household income may be too high to do so. I am trying to do the math, but I need to know if the 15k (My wife and I who are both over 50) that I put towards a traditional will lower my income so that I get the tax benefit that I believe must be under 109k (to get the full benefit). I am playing a numbers game with it and it should be close. Both my wife and I will be maxxing our 401k contributions (60k) but we may miss the full tax benefit.

If the traditional IRA subtracts from my AGI I think I should have it, if not I will have to consider putting it elswhere. Also, I made the mistake of thinking this was not going to be an issue so I have already contributed 7.5k to my traditional IRA. What is the process of getting that money moved (pref. to a ROTH) if it turns out I can’t get under the 109k threshold?

Modified AGI includes subtraction of any IRA deduction from Sch 1 of Form 1040. Therefore a deductible IRA contribution will not assist in reducing MAGI for IRA deduction purposes. However, for 2023 the MAGI phaseout range has increased from 109k-129k in 2022 to 116k-136k for 2023.

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