Successor Beneficiary IRA & Beneficiary IRA – unique circumstance

Grandmother died in July 2023 at age 91. Beneficiaries were her daughter and her granddaughter. They each claimed their share of the decedent’s IRA. THEN, the daughter died on 12/31/2023 (at the age of 70).
The granddaughter who now has 2 separate inherited IRA accounts. One is her original account from her grandmother, and the other is her mom’s inherited IRA that also came from the grandmother.
Any chance she can combine these into a single inherited IRA?

When I look at how the daughter and granddaughter were originally required to handle the RMDs, since the grandmother was in RMD mode they were each required as non-spouse beneficiaries to take RMDs since they had already begun (the at least as rapidly rule) and were subject to the 10-year rule.

My initial thoughts are they cannot be combined (since technically the one is now a successor beneficiary IRA) but is there something I am missing when death of both is same year, and her mom was the same class of original beneficiary as the granddaughter?

I know that you all have seen a lot of different situations and appreciate your insight!

  • These inherited IRAs cannot be combined as the daughter’s inherited IRA RMDs are based on the age of daughter, and GD’s inherited IRA RMDs based on her younger age. Both inherited IRAs must be drained in 2033 or sooner. Another reason they cannot be combined is a titling mismatch.
  • Probably not worth the hassle, but daughter’s executor might be able to file a post death disclaimer (still within 9 months of GM’s death), if GD was named as contingent. That would make GD the designated beneficiary on both accounts, and they could be combined. She would still be subject to the 10 year rule, so potential combination is probably not enough of a benefit to justify the hassle of a disclaimer. Further, a post death disclaimer may not be allowed in the particular state.
  • Hopefully, GM completed her 2023 RMD before passing. If not, the beneficiaries have until 4/15 to complete it.

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