“Metered proceeds”

A credit union representative was talking about “metered proceeds” for IRA beneficiaries.

Do you know what this person meant by “Metered proceeds?”

Thank you in advance for your help.

I have no idea. 

  • Metered is based on the measure or use of something. Originally it was used for the measure of dimensions or volume in the metric system.
  • Now the term is often used on any unit of measure (e.g. kilowatt hours (kWh of electricity)
  • Also, while less common it can mean the regulation of the flow of something.
  • My guess and that’s all it is. The CU representative might have mistakenly used metered to refer to RMDs, annuitizstion or amortization.
  • The first two are routinely utilized in an Inherited IRA. Amortization is available for a 72t SEPP, but I don’t know if it is available in an Inherited IRA.

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