Excess Roth IRA contributions after my account was liquidated/closed.

I liquidated my Roth IRA then realized i made excess contributions (used unearned income) for several years. I did this after i was retired and didn’t realize i couldn’t use social security money. Should follow the normal procedure and file 5329s and pay the 6% excise tax for each year the excess was in even though the account was liquidated.

When did you close that account, and do you have other Roth accounts?

No other roths closed 25 Jan 22

Then the last year of an excise would have been 2021. Your final 5329 in 2022 will show a 0 balance for any Roth IRA as of the end of 2022, and there will be no excise due for 2022. Total Roth closure corrects the excess.

Great. My main concern was that because my account was already closed the IRS would not accept the 6% and their would be reprucussions. But sounds like i need to just pay the 6% using 5329’s for every year the excess remained in the roth .  Is this correct. 


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