How to cancel 401-K and roll into Roth


I contribute to a 401-K through my employer.

Last year, I was not eligible to contribute, but did roll over a balance from a prior employer, and opened a Roth IRA independent of that rollover.

I would like to know if it is legal (without penalties, etc.) to cancel my 401-K and roll the balance into my existing self-directed Roth IRA. There are just too few investment choices in the 401-K, and the funds have not been performing well.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Are you the employer?

I am the employee of a firm which offers a 401-K. I am presently contributing to both the company-sponsored 401-K as well as my Roth IRA (not employer sponsored).

Thanks, and looking forward to hearing your insights.

You cannot “cancel” your 401(k). You may want to check to see if the plan allows in-service distributions. Also check out the matching contributions (if any) from the employer. If they are substantial (e.g. 50%+), its normally wise to contribute at least up to the match.

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