Early IRA Withdrawal

I recently heard that if you possess high-interest credit card debt (25-30%) it makes sense to take an early withdrawal on a poor-performing IRA (currently a -10% return, but on average a 4.5% year return). I’ve worked the numbers, and realize an early withdrawal would implicate taxation (25%), and also an additional 10% imposed by the IRS. Since the IRA is performing so badly (-10%), does it make sense to make a withdrawal?

It would be about a break even if you assume the IRA is going to continue to produce a negative 10% or worse return. But why would you assume the return is going to continue to be negative when all historical patterns suggest otherwise?

Thank you for your reply. My calculations may be off; if so please feel free to comment: I was calculating total IRA taxation of 35% – 7% (average return since inception) = 28% loss for early withdrawal. So, a withdrawal would only make sense if bad debt interest rates are past 28%, per averages.

It doesn’t make sense to borrow at 30% to invest at -10%. Someone in that situation may want to consult with a financial planner.

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