creating a roth ira for daughter

My daughter has accumuated $5,000 over the last 10 years. Her earned income has never exceeded $500 during any taxable year. She has never filed a tax return.

Can she use the $5,000 in 2008 to open a roth ira ?

Thank You.

The most that she can contribute is her earned income for the year for which she can make a current contribution. It is now too late to contribute for 2007, as the deadline was 4/15/08. She can contribute up to whatever she earns in 2008 by 4/15/09.

If you are using household chores or other work that is not documented on a W2, keep a written record to show when and how the income was earned.

Of course, there is also the upper limit for a year of 5,000, but that does not seem to apply to her yet.

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