Fixed SPIAs

Don’t know much about FIXED SPIAs. Could a client age 52 purchase a Fixed lifetime SPIA and not be subject to the under age 59 1/2 penalty? What about a 5-year Fixed SPIA?

It appears per Sec 72q (applies to NQ plans), that the penalty exception applies to all immediate annuity contracts, defined as follows in 72(u):
(4) Immediate annuity
For purposes of this subsection, the term “immediate annuity” means an annuity –
(A) which is purchased with a single premium or annuity consideration,
(B) the annuity starting date (as defined in subsection (c)(4)) of which commences no later than 1 year from the date of the purchase of the annuity, and
(C) which provides for a series of substantially equal periodic payments (to be made not less frequently than annually) during the annuity period.
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It was somewhat surprising to see that there is no minimum period for the SPIA to run, and that would make the 5 year plan exempt.

TKU. The same thing applies to N-Q annuities, as well (which I am more familiar with). A deferred annuity that is annuitized after 12 months for a period less than lifetime IS subject to the penalty. If annuitized within 12 months, the annuity period can be for as few as 3 years and the exception applies.

Re the Sec 72q penalty exception for under age 59-1/2 that applies to all immediate annuity contracts:

72(u)(4) states “For purposes of this subsection, the term “immediate annuity” means an annuity . . . (C) which provides for a series of substantially equal periodic payments (to be made not less frequently than annually) during the annuity period.”

Q.: If someone age 50 took out an SPIA with an inflation-protection option which would lead to an increasing payment each year so that by age 55 the annual payment could be 20% or more higher than initially, would this negate the penalty exception for SEPP?

Thank you for your views.

If requested at the start of the SEPP, many ccarriers would accept this as a legitimate SEPP, based on two PLRs.

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