Partial Roth Recharterizations

I have a client who did a Roth conversion and just found out his income was higher than he thought and wanted to stay in the lower tax braket – so he want to recharaterize some of the Roth conversion – I think this is OK – is it?


Yes, he can recharacterize. If he converted in 2008 he has until October 15, 2009 which will give him sufficient time to determine his 2008 tax bracket.

So it is ok to recharacterize only a part of a Roth conversion? He does not want to do a full recharacterization – only about a quarter of what he initially converted.

You can recharacterize part of a Roth conversion. The important thing is IRS considers dollars converted not specific assets. For example, if the conversion was of 3 funds with a total value of $60,000 and he needs to recharacterize $15,000; $15,000 in value must be recharacterized as of the recharacterization date – you can’t merely recharacterize the fund that went down in value.

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