2009 RMD Suspension

I wanted to get clarification on a RMD question. Since RMD for 2009 is suspended , if a client takes a distribution from an IRA will that trigger an event where you have to take the RMD for 2009?
I had a client ask me this and I couldnt find an answer anywhere. Thanks


No, there are no such situations where a distribution would create an RMD where there previously was no RMD in 2009 due to the waiver.

If you missed a prior RMD that you should have taken, you may need to take that IN 2009, but it still is not a 2009 RMD. Likewise, if you were deferring your first RMD in 2008 to 4/1/2009, that RMD must still be taken in 2009.

But there is no situation where either a prior year RMD or a non RMD distribution would trigger a 2009 year RMD, as these have all been waived by the WRERA legislation.

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