Login Enabled

Dear users,

For those who prefer to use the login, it is re-enabled. Please use your full e-mail address as your username to login.

Anonymous posting is still allowed. Although with this feature enabled, it seems like we’re getting a lot more spam.

If you have any other comments, please post them here.

Technical Support

Any additional feedback is always welcomed.

Like Tom D I’m also happy that the login is back.

Is someone monitoring the spam – there are a couple of items on the forum now. One about insurance and another one further down the page.

Happy with the re-enabled login. Helps with some of the functionality. Is there or are you going to have option for next post link rather than going back to entire list? I liked that option with previous system.

Also with allowing anonymous post there is about 50% spam now. Spam wasn’t much of a problem with prior system.

Hope to get the Next Post/Previous Post option back.


Question: Does anyone LIKE the anonymous posting?

I know this was a feature requested by management, but i’m not sure how useful it is, especially concerning spam.

Technical Support

Thank you for continuing to work on this. I’m glad that I can now go back to where I was on the list after reading a thread. Also changing the color once I’ve read something is much appreciated.

My last wish is to bring back the next post, previous post item.

The spammers must be better than I am, before the registration was returned it would take me a couple of times to read the letters/numbers correctly to submit a reply.

Mary Kay Foss

After you post, if you just leave it for like 3-seconds, it will return you to the forum.

We haven’t played around with the features enough to see what options there are to play around with.

Take a look at your profile and maybe there are settings there.

Technical Support

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