Roth Conversions – SARSEPs and SIMPLEs
Does anyone know if SARSEP and/or SIMPLE IRA assets have to be included in the prorated analysis of pre-tax and post-tax dollars when converting a Roth?
Thank you for any assistance!
Does anyone know if SARSEP and/or SIMPLE IRA assets have to be included in the prorated analysis of pre-tax and post-tax dollars when converting a Roth?
Thank you for any assistance!
Permalink Submitted by Alan Spross on Wed, 2009-10-14 20:53
Yes, they are both included for purposes of the pro rate rules, and since both are fully pre tax, the inclusion will reduce the tax free portion of any conversion.
Permalink Submitted by Teri Tidwell on Wed, 2009-10-14 21:11
Many thanks for your help!