Moratorium on IRA withdrawals for 2009

I am the beneficiary of a Roth IRA. I understand there is a moratorium in mandatory withdrawals for 2009 from IRAs. Does this apply to the beneficiary of a Roth who has chosen the stretch option? The actuary table directs me to withdraw the funds over 21 years. For 2009 I am down to year 19. If I can skip this year, would I go to year 18 next year?

You will not have to take your RMD this year.

If you are using the single life table, and deducting 1 from the factor every year, you would still deduct 1 this year, and then 1 again next year.

So if you are at 19, you would deduct 1 again for 2010 and be at 18. The suspension of the RMD does not suspend the RMD Year itself. The 2010 distribution will be calculated by taking the December 31, 2009 balance and dividing it by the remaining life expectancy from your single life table.


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