Bundling IRA and 401k for RMD
If an individual has an “inactive” 401k and a IRA, must he take RMD from each plan separately since you don’t blend the 401k with the IRA?
But if he also owned a SEP and another IRA, would the 3 non 401k’s be treated as ONE item for RMD purposes with his other IRA while the “inactive” 401k would still have it’s own RMD withdrawal.
Does the same “separation” rule hold for 403b’s and 457’s?
Permalink Submitted by Alan Spross on Thu, 2010-01-07 23:20
Correct. Only the RMDs for the IRA accounts can be aggregated (combined) and taken in any combination from those IRA accounts.
All 401k, 403b, their qualified plan Roth counterparts, and 457 plan RMDs must be calculated and distributed separately from each plan.