After tax contributions rolled over from Company plan
A client of mine would like to roll over her assets from 2 different company plans to an IRA. She is under 59.5 and both plans have after tax contributions in the plan. When we called both providers they said they would cut a seperate check to my client for the aftertax contributions. The plan was to keep her after tax contributions out of the IRA (to herself) and not roll that part over and go forward with a direct rollover of the taxable portion to her IRA. Is this no longer possible due to Notice 2009-68? I did this with every client in years past without adverse tax consequence.
Permalink Submitted by Alan Spross on Mon, 2010-03-29 19:16
You can still do it, even though there is now a question about pro rate the basis that was brought up by the direct Roth conversion opportunity that began in 2008. SInce what you indicated has been common practice for many years, including the period of 2002 to the present when the after tax amounts COULD HAVE been rolled over, and the IRS has never questioned this practice or informed plan administrators that they need to change their 1099R procedures, your client can do the direct rollover of the pre tax funds and receive a check made out to her for the after tax funds.
Now, if she wanted to convert those after tax funds to a Roth IRA like many people now want to do, there could be a somewhat greater risk of an issue.