non spousal stretch IRA
Scenario.. insurance company A is current custodian of Jim’s IRA and Jim passes away, leaving the IRA to his son. The account will give a value of $75,000 lump sum to the son or $125,000 over a five year period (five checks of $25k each). The question is, (since non spouses can not do a 60 day rollover) does the IRS have any problem with the current custodian retitling the annuity as a beneficiary IRA and doing a custodian to custodian transfer each of the 5 years from company A to company B (also a beneficiary IRA…) so that the beneficiary can do a stretch, as long as the RMDs are withdrawn from a portion of the annual $25k transfer to custodian B when they recieve the transfer. In essence there would be 2 stretch IRAs during the 5 year transfer period, and custodian B would send the small stretch RMD to the beneficiary each year.
Permalink Submitted by Alan Spross on Fri, 2010-08-13 17:49
A non spouse beneficiary can do unlimited direct transfers of the inherited IRA. It sounds like the son plans to elect the 5 year payout from Insuror A, but wants to directly transfer the payment net of the annual RMD to a new custodian. There would have to be 5 of these transfers with the RMD portion only being distributed to the son. This would work if the insuror is agreeable.