Canadian Resident with million $ IRA

I have a Canadian resident, also being a United States noncitizen nonresident alien, who has approximately $1,000,000 in an IRA. His wife is also a Canadian resident as well. My concern is if we should be doing something with these monies. The client is close to 70 years old. Should I be doing something with this IRA now?. He was born in 1940 and she in 1945.

The problem here is that there is no portability between US and Canadian retirement accounts. Therefore, about all he can do is take his RMDs in a timely fashion and get a good international tax accountant to make the most of any foreign tax credits.

Perhaps someone with a practice near the Canadian border can be more specific, since these situations are not that unique.

See Article XVIII, paragraph 7, of the U.S.-Canada tax treaty, which was added by Article 9 of the third protocol (amendment) to the treaty.


I am a FINRA-licensed registered representative in 31 states. My firm and I have the necessary registrations/licensing to deal with IRA accounts held by Canadian residents. If you would like more information, I can be emailed at [email protected] or called toll-free at 866-775-7704.


Darrell Thompson
Registered Representative
Macquarie Private Wealth Corp.

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