Patriot’s Day

For 2010, due to Emancipation Day, the tax filing deadline is extended to 4/18/11.

Each year, Patriot’s Day is celebrated on the 3rd Monday of each April, making it 4/18 this year.

Am I correct, then, that for 2010, the tax filing deadline for individuals in Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont & D.C, is actually extended to [i][b]Tuesday, April 19th[/b][/i]? And, if it is extended for those taxpayers, is it for all filers in those states & D.C, or is it only certain taxpayers who file through Andover?

This wasn’t addressed in notice 2011-17:

Right, but the last time Patriot’s Day affected the tax-filing deadline, the IRS issued an extension. See IRS Notice 2006-103 ( Any idea on whether this was a one-off, or a standard extension?

I can’t point to anything in writing but I’ve heard at a number of meetings that April 19 is the day for folks filing in Andover.

I still haven’t been able to find anything offical from the IRS, but as Mary mentioned, I’ve heard and seen casual references to the tax filing deadline being April 19th for those states who file through Andover, MA, and are, therefore, subject to the Patriot’s Day extension.

Has anyone else heard or seen any offical notice on whether or not the tax filing deadline will be extended to April 19th for those states who file through Andover?


The 1040 booklet does not show any filing location in Andover. Northeast states send returns to Hartford when paying with return. So perhaps there is no 4/19 date, and perhaps that is why they use CT?

That is exactly the information I was looking for…thank you!

Note: Ascensus has issued a formal statement that Patriot’s Day is not an issue this year because there is no tax filing in the states that celebrate the holiday. CT is now the filing location and CT does not celebrate the holiday. Their site does not support copy and paste or I would have copied it here.

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