Purchasing real estate from an IRA

Client owns controlling interest of a C-corporation. Also has a Traditional IRA which hold 4 undeveloped lots. Corportion engages in real estate developement. Client recently sold a commercial building and has $1 million in cash in corporation. Lots were appraised this year and are worth total $250,000 to $300,000. Can corporation purchase lots from IRA for market price? This would allow lots to be developed by corporation and client to have cash for investment in IRA.

It would be a prohibited transaction if client owned 50% or more of the stock or voting rights of the Corp. The Corp would then be a disqualifed person with respect to transactions with the IRA.

The only way that the corporation could obtain the lots (that I can see) would be for the IRA to distribute lots to the owner (taxable at FMV) – then the owner could sell them to the corporation. His basis would be the FMV when distributed so there would be little or no gain. If they were sold at a loss, the loss couldn’t be recognized because the parties are related.

A prohibited transaction could make the entire IRA taxable to the owner. He should have asked questions before the IRA purchased the lots.

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