Roth IRA conversion

The following was suggested to me and doesn’t make sense: Say one converts $100,000 from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA in year 1, and by February year 2 the Roth IRA is now worth $125,000. Someone said that if the original $100,000 is reconverted to the traditional IRA, you can keep the $25,000 growth in the Roth. I would have thought that the entire amount, $125,000 , would have to be reconverted to not pick up any income!! Thoughts? sites to confirm?

You are correct.

Whenever either a regular contribution or a conversion is recharacterized, an earnings calculation must be completed and the amount moved out of the IRA must be adjusted for earnings or losses. See attached IRS Reg:,_Subchapter_A,_

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